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  • 发布日期:2023-03-20     信息来源:公司新闻      浏览次数:647
    • Lovibond® is where the customers are. We are also on-site with our training courses for dealers - as now in Dubai with almost 50 participants from the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and many African countries.

      罗威邦® 在客户需要的地方为其服务。近日,我们在迪拜为经销商产品培训,来自中东地区、沙特阿拉伯和许多非洲国家的近 50 名参与者汇集在一起,进一步学习了解罗威邦产品知识。

      At our training courses, interested dealers can dive into the Lovibond® product world. Above all, know-how and expert knowledge are on the agenda for several days. The basics of analytical water measurement, photometry and how Lovibond® photometers work form one training session. Turbidity measurement, microbiology, BOD measurement and the associated measuring instruments complete the insight into the knowledge base and the Lovibond® portfolio. In addition, there is technical training on the correct handling of the instruments and understanding of how they work. 

      罗威邦培训课程为有兴趣的经销商特别定制,让其深入了解 Lovibond® 产品世界,内容涵盖产品介绍及专业应用知识。培训课程内容包括水质分析基础知识,光度测量系统知识培训和 Lovibond® 光度计的工作原理解构。还包括浊度测量、微生物检测、BOD 测量和相关测量仪器培训。此外,经销商可以亲身操作仪器,了解正确操作方法、工作原理和服务技巧。

      Along the way, participants have the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas about strategies, developments and trends. At the end, there is always a "wish concert" on the agenda: everyone is invited to present their personal wishes for the Lovibond® portfolio, new instrument developments or new projects.

      在此过程中,参会者就战略、发展和趋势交流经验和想法。最后,议程以一场 “愿景分享会" 结尾,每个人表达了他们对 Lovibond® 产品套装、新产品开发或新项目的期望。
